The drinking fountain with a lamp was originally erected to commemorate Privates Charles Edwin Williams, and James Edwin White, who were killed in the South African (Boer) War. The fountain is no longer functional.
In 1999 this monument was re-dedicated by the local Returned Services League to commemorate those from the district who have served in all conflicts and is now the focus for Anzac Day and Remembrance ceremonies.
VIOLET TOWN, Wednesday. -The Williams and White memorial was unveiled today by Mr. T. Brown, M.L.A., in the presence of about 1500 people and a detachment of the V.M.R., under the command of Captain Pleasants. The shire president, Cr. A, McDonald, stated that he was in receipt of apologies for absence from Mr. W. M'Culloch, State Minister of Defence; Major General Downes, Colonel J. C. Hoad, Major D. M'Leish, Mr. J. A. Wallace, M.L.C., and Mr. M'lnerey, M.L.A. Mr. Brown M.L.A stated that the memorial, was practically the first of its kind in Victoria, and was erected by the residents as a memento of affection to the two local heroes who did not return, and also as a patriotic tribute to the Empire in general. Mr. Lynard, J.P., also spoke. The monument is a neat and imposing structure of granite. The base and head are of colonial stone, and the main shaft is of polished red Aberdeen granite, on which is cut the inscriptions. Four green pillars, also polished, form the corner supports of a massive headstone or cap, on which is placed a lamp post, the total height being 17 feet.
Age (Melbourne), 4 July 1901.
Mr John Tovey, honorary secretary to the Memorial Fountain Fund, who took his departure for Sydney on Wednesday evening, has handed to us receipts for payments amounting to £143 5s 11d, being £140 5s 4d to Messrs Chambers and Clutten for designing and erecting the structure, and £3 0s 7d to Mr E. Kellock for laying on the water. This pays off the whole of the expenditure in connection with the construction of the fountain as it now stands. Mr Tovey also hands us the sum of £1, which he has collected for the purpose of laying on the acetylene gas, provision for which has already been made in the construction of the edifice. All that is now required to illuminate the monument is the supply of a small gas generator at the basement, and a burner in the lamp. This work has been undertaken by Mr. Robt. McCulloch, of Euroa, and as soon as a suitable generator has been made the work will be proceeded with.
Messrs McDonald, Morris, and W. Riddell consenting to be responsible for the cost until the necessary amount has been fully subscribed. When lighted the Violet Town Memorial Fountain will compare very favorably with anything of the kind yet erected in Victoria, and of which the district residents may ever be proud, for while granite lasts it will bear testimony to future ages of the loyalty of this locality and the appreciation of the noble youths whose names will live throughout Australian history as being amongst the first souls of our fair land to fall in battle, fighting for the supremacy of the race from which they sprang. And here we cannot close without paying a tribute of praise to our old and esteemed fellow-townsman, Henry Lynard, J.P., who initiated the movement, and whose prompt and energetic efforts were solely responsible for the collection of the sum of £50.
Euroa Advertiser (Vic), 26 November 1901.