Flickr Image Collection

Documents and photographs provide us with a gateway into the experience of those who have served Australia at home and abroad. Browse the virtual galleries of private collections, which have been generously shared with the Virtual War Memorial Australia, and take a moment to see the world through the eyes of those we commemorate.

Click the image to view the collections on Flickr

John William Hull Collection
Untitled, from the John William Hull Collection

Do you recognise any people or places in our collections? Without complete records, the individuals and contexts recorded in these images can so easily be lost. If you have information about the images in these collections, please email

Have a private collection that you would like to see featured? The VWMA looks for collections with verifiable connection to an Australian who has served in conflict. Please also note the Virtual War Memorial Australia's Gifting and Donation Policy for artefacts
Contact us at to find out more.