Professional Learning 2024

Professional Learning 2024

The Virtual War Memorial Australia (VWMA) provides Professional Learning sessions for teachers to assist with the delivery of Australian Military History.

Sessions can cover all or some of the following tailored to the needs of your teachers:

  • Discover the varied range of teaching resources on the VWMA
  • How serviceperson biographies align with the Australian Curriculum and SACE in an engaging and challenging way
  • Modifying/adapting serviceperson biographies to meet the diverse learning needs of your students
  • How serviceperson biographies are AI ‘proof’ (offering an authentic task that develops students’ research and literacy skills)
  • Locating, reading and interpreting service records and unit diaries
  • Navigating the Australian War Memorial and using Trove as a historical source, plus more
  • Hints and tips for the South Australian Premier’s ANZAC Spirit School Prize
  • Uploading students’ research and biographies to the Virtual War Memorial Australia, which after moderation, could become a permanent part of the public record

Contact us to book a session appropriate to the needs of your teachers and their students. Timing is flexible and can take place during or after school hours. We can adjust the timing to suit faculty staff meetings or professional development days.

Sessions can be provided in person for Adelaide schools and via video conferencing for regional and rural schools. For South Australian schools call Kate Johnson 0419 620 297 or email Interstate schools please contact

Online Professional Learning 2024:

Schools Program Professional Learning

ONLINE VIA MS TEAMS (link to be sent after registration)

This 75 minute online workshop (MS Teams) will outline the VWMA Schools Program Biography Task

The Schools Program Biography Task is an authentic learning opportunity for your students where they research and complete a biography for a WW1 or WW2 serviceperson with their work published on the VWMA.

The task is suitable for Year 9 and 10 History, Year 9 English, and the South Australian Certificate of Education subjects - Research Project/AIF, Integrated Learning and Community Connections.

Year 9 and 10 students' work can also be entered into the South Australian Premier's ANZAC Spirit School Prize - find out how the VWMA offers support to schools entering students to the Prize.

This training session will outline the resources available to complete the biography, and how the VWMA provides support to you and your students every step of the way.

Term 2: Thursday 16th May, 4:00 - 5:15pm - to register click here

Term 3: Wednesday 7th August, 4:00 - 5:15pm - to register click here

Term 4 - Thursday 28th November, 4:00 - 5:15pm to register click here

Reading Service Records Professional Learning

ONLINE VIA MS TEAMS (link to be sent after registration)

This 75 minute online workshop (MS Teams) covers how to read WW1 and WW2 Service Records, a core source for the Biography Task

  • Find out how the records were compiled
  • Why there are pages with repeated information
  • What information to look for in the records
  • How to decipher the information

Term 2: Wednesday 26th June, 4:00 - 5:15pm - to register click here

Term 3: Wednesday 11th September, 4:00 - 5:15pm - to register, click here

Term 4: Thursday 24th October, 4:00 - 5:15pm - to register click here

Premier's ANZAC Spirit School Prize Workshop - students and teachers

Wednesday 10 July 2024: 9:00am – 12:30pm

Free school holiday half-day intensive workshop to complete the Premier's Anzac Spirit School Prize. Virtual War Memorial staff and historians will be available to provide assistance.

Students and teachers welcome.

BYO own device. Located at Memorial Hall, Ground Floor, ANZAC House, Torrens Training Depot, with free parking.

Availability is limited. If you are unable to book, please email the Schools Program Manager

To book scan the QR code below or go to:

Living in regional areas?

One-on-one video conferencing sessions are available for teachers and students on the following dates:

Tuesday 9th July

Wednesday 16th July

To book a video conferencing session please email