Excursion: Adelaide Commemorative Precinct Walking Tour

Adelaide Commemorative Precinct Walking Tour Excursion

The walking tour of the Adelaide Commemorative Precinct is designed to engage students with the concept of commemoration, the meaning of memorials and the stories behind them. The length of the tour is approximately 1.5 – 2 hours at a slow pace, with an optional 30 minute add on if you have time.

To book a guided tour please contact email schools.program@vwma.org.au. You will meet at Memorial Hall, Torrens Parade Grounds before heading up to North Terrace to begin the Commemorative Walk loop.

A self-guided tour guide is available for teachers.

Refer to the self-guided tour guide and additional information for teachers. If you are unable to bring your class to the city you can conduct the tour in class by projecting to a screen.


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