Kingscote Campus Kangaroo Is Community Education Back to schools page


KICE is a multi-campus school which was formed in 2005 as a result of a community initiative to review the model of education delivery on Kangaroo Island.

The three campuses: Kingscote, Parndana and Penneshaw have come together in a collaborative arrangement linking childcare, preschool and school education with a birth to lifelong learning focus.

Kingscote Campus is the largest of the three campuses with approximately 434 students from Reception to Year 12. The campus is situated in Kangaroo Island’s largest town, Kingscote, on the shores of Nepean Bay. The campus has outstanding facilities as a result of major building redevelopments that have taken place in the past 7 years. The facilities include a large Recreation Centre, an Auto Engineering facility, a Food and Hospitality Centre and a Performing Arts Centre, all set within picturesque grounds.

Specialist teaching staff and mainstream teachers provide a strong and diverse curriculum for all students. There are flexible learning pathways for students and opportunities for Parndana and Kingscote students to be supported with intercampus travel to enable a broad, face to face, subject choice in the senior years.

Our unique environment on Kangaroo Island provides in class and out of class learning opportunities as well as a broad range of extra curricula activities based on aquatic sports.

We host full fee paying students from overseas countries attracted by the island’s location, international reputation and unique environment.


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