2nd ANZAC Corps Mounted Regiment (XXII Corps)

About This Unit

With the 'doubling of the AIF' underway among Infantry Battalions in early 1916 for service on the Western Front, only a small Light Horse presence was thought to be required.  The 13th Light Horse Regiment was despatched to France along with two squadrons of the 4th Light Horse Regment, with the other two remaining in Egypt.  In July 1916 in France, the two 4th LHR squadrons were joined with the NZ Otago Mounted Infantry squadron to form II ANZAC Mounted Regiment, an identity it retained for most of the rest of the War.  It was attached to II ANZAC Corps HQ under direct command of the Division Commander who for much of hte War was General Godley (NZ).


Battle/ Campaign/ Involvement 


 We would particularly like to encourage individual historians researchers or members of unit associations to contribute to the development of a more detailed history and photographs pertaining to this unit and its members.

Please contact admin@vwma.org.au (mailto:admin@vwma.org.au) for details on how to contribute.