15th Infantry Brigade Headquarters (VIC) 15th Brigade, 5th Division, AIF

About This Unit

The 15th Brigade formed the third Brigade of the 5th Division and was raised mostly in Egypt in March / April 1916 as part of the "doubling of the AIF." This was done by splitting the 2nd Brigade in the 1st Division and seeding the new Brigade with experienced officers, NCO and men complemented by reinforcements fresh from Australia.  The 'pupped' Brigades and Battalions reflected the origins of its 'parents'. As the 2nd Brigade, which helped make the 15th Brigade, was an all Victorian Brigade the 15th Brigade was thus also an all Victorian Brigade.

Thus the Battalions of the Brigade were thus:

57th (/explore/units/263)  from the 5th (/explore/units/213)  Battalion (VIC)

58th (/explore/units/216)  from the 6th (/explore/units/130)  Battalion (VIC)

59th (/explore/units/321)  from the 7th (/explore/units/65)  Battalion (VIC), and

60th (/explore/units/86)  from the 8th (/explore/units/355)  Battalion (VIC)

After journeying across the Mediterranean Sea and the via train from Marseilles to Armentiers, the 5th Division spent time in the tenches near Fromelles were it sustained heavy casualties. It spent most of 1916 and early 1917 recovering from it losses but its second engagement was at Bullecourt in April 1917, followed by Polygon Wood in September 1917. 

More to follow........ content under development

We would particularly like to encourage individual historians researchers or members of unit associations to contribute to the development of a more detailed history and photographs pertaining to this unit and its members.

Please contact admin@vwma.org.au  (mailto:admin@vwma.org.au) for details on how to contribute.