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  • Pte_Leslie_Herbert_Lockwood_-_Yr_9_St_Francis_de_Sales_College.docx
  • Details from his recommendation for the award of the Distinguished Conduct Medal at Bckingham Palace April 1917: "For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.  He made a daring reconnaissance, and led raiding parties across "No Man's Land" to the point of assembly.  Later he carried five wounded men back to a place of safety". Extract from the History of the 43rd Battalion  by Capt E.J. Collyer, MC and Lieut BH. Richardson - P232 "To know him was to like and admire him.  His buoyant, sunny nature pulled the slow along in times of stress and hardship. As a scout and raid leader, he had no equal in the battalion Thus died one of the finest specimens of the Australian soldier ever to set foot in France". He was killed during the period of small scale raids seizing German forward posts and pushing their font line back in what was called 'Peaceful Penetration", for which the AIF became renowned, in the months preceding the great attack on the 8th August 1918. He was initially buried in the field "In the shadow of the Monastery in the heart of Bois l'Abbe, just west of Villers".  He was later re-interred at the Adelaide Cemetery, in Villers Bretonneux."
  • The crew's first operation was flown with the Squadron Commander as aircraft captain, and Jeff Clarson as 'second dickie'. The next operation was 30th October 1944, their first under Jeff Clarson's command. This was a daylight raid, to bomb German positions on Walcheren Island. On both these two operations, they dropped 13,000 pounds of bombs (6 tonnes). The next operation was at night, against Coblenz on 6th November 1944, dropping a 4,000 bomb and 12 cans of incendiary bombs. South west of Aachen, they had contact with a German JU88 night fighter; twin-engined radar-equipped and very heavily armed with cannon. It was spotted directly above them but hadn't spotted them so they were able to slip away undetected. On the 11th and 15th November 1944, a daylight operation was flown on an oil refinery at Ickern near Dortmund. They dropped 12,000 pounds of bombs, and four days later returned to drop 12,000 pounds of bombs on an oil refinery at Dortmund. On the following day, it was another daylight operation, bombing German troop concentrations north of Aachen. They encountered heavy radar-directed flak. On 20th November 1944, they again attacked oil refineries in daylight at Homberg. As well as dropping bombs, they also dropped leaflets, probably designed to encourage the German citizenry to give thought to surrendering. On the following day (21 November 1944), they paid a return visit to Homberg, again bombing the oil refineries. Then on the 26th November 1944, they bombed the railway marshalling yards at Fulda, northeast of Frankfurt. This was the deepest penetration by RAF bombers into Germany in daylight. They were airborne for 6 hours and 5 minutes. The next day 27th November, they bombed the railway marshalling yards at Cologne in daylight, and encountered intense flak, but sustained no damage. On December 2nd 1944, they bombed the gas works at Dortmund in daylight, with moderate flak. TEN Ops completed Their next operation, again in daylight, was to bomb a dam at Schwammanuel, however the operation was aborted because of the heavy cloud cover over the target, and they had to drop their bomb load in the Channel. December 6th 1944 was a night operation to Merseburg, to bomb a synthetic oil plant. There was intense flak, and they had to land at Woodbridge. December 11th 1944 was a daylight operation to Osterfield marshalling yards. On the following day, they bombed marshalling yards and steelworks at Witten, near Essen, and sighted German fighters but were not intercepted. This was their 13th operation in five weeks, a very intense rate indeed. They then took five days leave, during which all airfields were closed because of fog. The Squadron transferred to Stradishall, Suffolk on December 17th 1944, and the crew resumed operations from there on December 28th when they made a daylight attack on marshalling yards at Cologne, followed by a daylight attack on marshalling yards at Vohwinkel, near Remscheid on New Year's Eve. 1945 commenced with a daylight raid on an oil plant at Castrop Rouxel, when for the first time their aircraft was holed by flak, and their Engineer was slightly injured. Upon return, they found an unexploded anti-aircraft incendiary shell in the wing spar between the petrol tanks, and there were 50 holes in the aircraft, including a large hole in the tail. The aircraft never flew again. At this point they picked up the aircraft that they would see out the war in - 'M for Mike' tail number Next was a daylight operation to Erkenswick on January 15th 1945, to bomb coke and ammonia works. They then had a break doing GH training. On January 28th 1945, they bombed marshalling yards at Cologne. There was moderate flak. There was further GH training until February 9th, when they had a night operation to Hohenberg, near Duisburg, to bomb marshalling yards. On the February 13th 1945, they went to Dresden on a night operation for a saturation attack on a Russian tactical target. Bombed from 20,000 ft. 1 x 4,000 pound bomb and 4 cans of incendiaries. There was only light flak. TWENTY Ops completed Their next operation on February 18th 1945, was in daylight to Wesel, north of the Ruhr. Light flak was encountered The following day i they flew another daylight operation to Wesel. On February 22nd 1945, a daylight operation to Gelsenkirchen, to bomb a power station and coke plant. Intense and accurate flak for 20 minutes was encountered, and the starboard inner engine knocked out. 2 holes in the front turret, and 2 in the tail. On February 25th 1945, it was a daylight operation to Kamen nr. Dortmund to bomb the synthetic oil refinery. Moderate and accurate flak. Once again, they went to Gelsenkirchen on February 27th 1945 in daylight to bomb the Benzol plant. Moderate flak. February 28th 1945, it was a daylight operation once again to Gelsenkirchen to bomb the synthetic oil plant. (Note here that the crew loathed going to Gelsenkirchen). On March 2nd 1945, another daylight operation to Cologne. Light flak. On March 5th 1945, back to Gelsenkirchen again by daylight to bomb the Benzol plant. Moderate flak, but A/C severely damaged, all tanks holed except one. Port outer engine hit twice. 6-inch x 12- inch hole in elevator. 40 holes in A/C. Then on March 6th 1945, it was a night operation to Wesel, where they encountered only light flak. On March 9th 1945, it was a daylight operation to Datteln to bomb the coking plant. They got home on three engines. THIRTY Ops Completed - which would normally have been deemed a full tour. March 18th 1945, a daylight operation to Hattingen to bomb the Benzol plant. Moderate and accurate flak. March 21st 1945, another daylight operation. This time to Munster to bomb the railway marshalling yards. Intense flak. March 23rd 1945, daylight operation to Wesel. Troop concentrations prior to Rhine crossing. Light flak. March 27th 1945, daylight operation to Hamm, to bomb coking plant. Light flak. The crew's last operation was at night to Kiel, to bomb the German fleet and Naval barracks. They were coned over the target, attacked by S/E fighter, and there was heavy flak. This was the same day that the Admiral Scheer was sunk. On this last operation, they were lucky to survive, as they were nearly involved in a mid-air collision with another Lancaster. The crew credited their survival to the quick thinking of both Jim Hepburn, their Flight Engineer and the exceptional flying skills of Jeff Clarson, their pilot, Michael Veitch has recorded this story in his magnificent book "FLAK" (Chapter 36).
  • Glenelg_Primary_School_Register_1906.jpg
  • Electoral_Roll_Pearn_1943.jpg
  • Australians_at_War_Film_Archive_-_Dianne_Fairhead_2004.pdf

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