Finding a Profile

Finding a Profile

One you have signed in, you will be able to add any information you possess to our existing profiles.

1. Once logged in, you will be directed to the homepage. To find the profile you wish to edit, use the ‘Find a person’ feature.

2. When you have located the person you wish to edit (remembering there may be multiple profiles with the same name; service number is a good differentiator), click on the name to load the profile.

3. If you cannot find who you are looking for, we may be able to help you. Send us an email at

4. To begin updating a profile, click the red button labelled ‘Update Details’.

5. To confirm, simply press the red button labelled ‘OK’.

6. Once inside a profile, you can now begin the editing process. On the left is the ‘Progress’ menu with links to the different parts of a profile that you can edit. Clicking on any of those links will transport you to that editorial section. In the middle of the screen is the section you are currently editing. On the right-hand side of the screen is the ‘Help’ section, which can be referred to if further help is needed when editing.

If at any point you wish to abandon the edit, click the red button labelled ‘Abort’. This WILL NOT save your progress. If at any point you navigate away from the profile you are editing, return by clicking ‘Your Update (s)’ in the top right-hand corner of the homepage. It may be a good idea to save your progress as you go.

Errors and Corrections - Adding a Profile

With over 1.5 million profiles in our database we have comprehensive coverage of individuals who served in the Boer War, WW1, WW2, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. However , if you cannot find the person you are looking for please email us - - and provide the details of the individual and we will double check for you. The profiles on this site have been created from data provided by the Australian War Memorial and the DVA Nominal Rolls team. There can be errors in the orginal data and these may have been replicated. We are always happy to assist with checking so please do not hesitate to contact us.

For individuals who have served in other conflicts (ie Peacekeeping missions, Gulf Wars/Iraq, Afghanistan) where no nominal rolls are currently available we are able to consider listing on the memorial provided we can verify service. The primary evidence required is an official Statement of Service from the ADF. Please review the Listing Rules and contact us directly if further advice is needed.

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